The pattern chart is for the bag part only, done in tubular peyote with size 11 Japanese seed beads.

I used the same chart for the back as I did for the front. For now, you're on your own for making the fringe and strap.
Edited to add: I've made a chart for the fringe. It's here.
Copyright © 2008 Linda Jo Park. All rights reserved.
Really cool looking amulet. Thank you for the pattern.
Great job.!! I love your peyote amulet necklace. Its simply gorgeous.
Loved your little Amulet Necklace
Linda Jo. when you do Tubular peyote for your bag,do you add any extra rows
at the sides,or it it exactly the same as the front.
Could i use Delicas for the Amulet bag
or is it better with seads.
Also what do you use for your thread for it.
Thanking you
"when you do Tubular peyote for your bag,do you add any extra rows
at the sides,or it it exactly the same as the front."
I did it exactly the same as the front.
"Could i use Delicas for the Amulet bag
or is it better with seads."
Delicas would work fine. I didn't have delicas in my stash in the colors I wanted, so I used the Japanese beads.
"Also what do you use for your thread for it."
In this case I used Nymo size B. Sometimes I like to use Fireline cos it's great for peyote.
Thanking you so much for answering and explaining.
I have never done Tubular Peyote before
sort of frightens me to try.:-)
i have done Flat Peyote but wanr so much to do Tubular for little Amulet bags.
Is Fireline good for the Fringe part also or would it make it more rigid.
When you do Fringe do you go into every low bead and then into the high one before going into the next low one to make the fringe tight at the bottom of the bag.
Thanking you
I have just found that you asked more questions in the comments of this post. Sorry about that.
"Is Fireline good for the Fringe part also or would it make it more rigid."
I, personally, do not care for Fireline in fringe. I think it makes it too stiff, but others seem to love it. So, try it out and see if you like it. If you don't you can take it out and use Nymo thread instead.
"When you do Fringe do you go into every low bead and then into the high one before going into the next low one to make the fringe tight at the bottom of the bag."
It depends on the project and how I want the fringe to look. experiment to see what you, like best.
One more thing I'd like to address.
I have never done Tubular Peyote before
sort of frightens me to try.:-)
Don't ever ever ever be afraid to try a craft of any kind ,including beading. If you screw up the first few times you try it-so what??? It's the best way to learn-by experimentation. That's how new things are discovered or invented. I make mistakes all the time. I just undo my project to the mistake and fix it. Sometimes, if I really don't like it, I hack it up with my scissors and start over.
Be fearless in beading!
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